However, when properly adjusted, this exceptional calibre, suspended in its case, is capable of withstanding accelerations of over 5000g. With an introductory replica watches price of over €600,000, the RM 27-01 tourbillon and its suspended movement had few successors. Only Richard Mille himself would use the principle again, in his RM 53-01 Tourbillon Pablo Mac Donough released in 2018 and costing over one million euros.

Anche l'orologio di cui scrivo oggi mi piace, ma non lo amo perché è stato indossato da Steve McQueen come il Rolex – infatti nessuno lo ha mai indossato, e nessuno lo farà mai, perché è un orologio di puro concetto mai replica rolex da produrre in serie. Tuttavia, lo adoro perché potrebbe benissimo essere l'orologio singolarmente più importante per l'orologeria meccanica, nel suo insieme, nella prossima generazione - e viene da Cartier.

Sejal Goel
Object Conservator
Sejal Goel
Object Conservator


  • Goel, S. (2022) Transitioning to more Environmentally Sustainable Practices in Laboratories [Poster], Durham Castle Conference, Durham University, Durham, UK.
    • A very simple look into the environmental impact of laboratories and how we can “do our part” in working towards greener practices and net-zero carbon emissions.
    • View Here

  • Goel, S. (2023a). All that Glitters is a Nightmare. Scroll: A Journal by the Student Conservators at Melbourne, [online] 3, pp.19–25. Available at:
    • Discusses working with modern plastic glitter as part of the preparation for the Gateway to Pride exhibit at the Missouri History Museum and the efforts taken to retain as much material as possible.

  • Goel, S. (2023b). Modern Objects Require Modern Solutions. Midwest Regional Conservation Guild Newsletter, Spring 2023, pp.4–9.
    • An overview of challenging objects from the Gateway to Pride exhibit at the Missouri History Museum, discussing plastics and modern materials and the burgeoning issues of vernacular art in museum collections.

La elegancia de este modelo viene dada por la esfera redonda negra, caracterizada por manecillas, índices y números plateados replica relojes Los números 3, 6 y 9 son muy bonitos de ver, realizados en chromalight, capaces de ser luminiscentes y brillantes. El Rolex Explorer con referencia 214270 tiene la fantástica función de parada de segundos que le permite ajustar con precisión el reloj de pulsera de los hombres.